Yuliia Piskorska

Navigating life and change

Transformative coaching through raising self awareness and overcoming limiting beliefs.

About Yuliia Piskorska

Coaching is an effective tool to structure your thoughts, raise self-awareness, and make conscious decisions that produce a desired change. I have been working in the field of international education and educational advising for 5 past years. One of my biggest rewards is seeing students and young professionals I work with find their paths and overcome challenges. That motivated me to start a coaching career in 2020 when I earned my first Life Coaching Certificate from The Coaching Academy, last year I completed the International Coaching Federation (ICF)-accredited training through Coaching Competence Academy. Currently, I am working towards an Associate Certified Coach credential. For me, coaching is about transformation and change. I like comparing it to taking a road trip. You choose your destination and we agree on the departure point. While you, as a coachee are in the driver`s seat, my role as a coach is to be near along the way and help you complete your trip successfully. There might be road bumps, flat tires, and hailstorms. You might even decide to change your course, but I will be there helping you to reflect, identify the best new route and move on.


Pro Bono and Low Bono Coach

Pro Bono Coaching and Low Bono Coaching

All our coaches are members of the Authenticship pro bono coaching network. They offer coaching services at a significantly reduced rate or completely free, with a focus on supporting individuals or organizations with limited resources or facing specific challenges. It’s a way for experienced coaches to give back to the community and use their skills to make a positive impact. 

Use the form below to contact the coach to organize a fit call and to see if you are eligible to find your authentic self.

Contact Yuliia Piskorska

Find A Coach
Have you previously had coaching?
Are you committed to meeting with a coach at least every other week?
Are you committed to meeting multiple times with your coach?
Are you motivated to change your life by participating fully in the coaching process?

Use this form to reach out to the coach to schedule a call where you can both determine if there is a good fit. You can reach out to more than one coach. Please note however that once you find a coach, you should only enter into a coaching relationship with one coach.

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